

  • stayed at 226 this week. busy week and add in TOM and I'm glad to maintain! (sigh)
  • I just sent in my $10 (from I am so excited by this challenge! It ends right before I leave on vacation and I want to lose as much before then. :wink:
    in Prizes? Comment by bogie718 March 2012
  • Looking forward to the Challenge! Starting weight is 226.
  • I've got about the same to lose. Count me in!! Just send me the details.
  • You can "adapt" your meal when your family eats those things. I cook those items frequently for my family too, but when we have hamburger helper, I just reserve some of the cooked hamburger and mix in some cheese and oregano (or whatever spices you want) and eat that while the other are having HH (they don't even notice…
  • Sue, If you're still looking for people, I'd like to join. I'm 42 and have 78 lbs to lose. I've just started back after years of trying - you know the drill (on/off/not sticking with it.) My problem is that if I am only accountable to myself, I don't do very well. I believe being part of a group will help me to stay…