mkuckenbaker Member


  • Finally. I'm sorry you are all going through this but now I can stop beating myself up. I have a 4 month old now and I lost 25/30 within the first few weeks but man I'm still a good 20 away from pre/pregnancy. I'm BF too and feel like this HAS to be the reason it's taking so long. I'm always hungry too. How do you all…
  • I feel your frustration. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after TTC with my husband. It was comforting to know that there was a sort of "method to the madness" I was going through but it means a life long struggle. On top of this, I have an underactive thyroid that I was diagnosed with at age 16. I take meds for this and…
    in PCOS Comment by mkuckenbaker August 2014