

  • I have no studies. I have real life experience, as I said I know women who are too muscular with a low BF %. I dont care what you think, I just express my opinion on the forum. Also, this standards are pretty common just in the overdeveloped countries and most common in America, where people are really fat on avarage. I…
  • Ops, sorry, I thought OP is a female ;D
  • I think it would be even healthier if you aim for something like 60-65 kg or so. It is all in your head. P.:S. Losing JUST body FAT is not always the healthiest. The more weight you have, the stronger the pressure on your joints. So more and more and more muscle is not always good, especially for women. Your hormonal…
  • I havent had pizza in 4-5 years or more. Mc Donalds anyways in 7 years and cookies in 2 years. I am paleo for 2 years. Do eat some chocolate (dark) here and there and if it is toooooo bad I can have a snickers. I eat potatoes and rice often. But I am 100% clean otherwise. I mean... years ago I liked junk. I ate it. Now I…
  • P.S. I go to a law school in Germany, so I move a bit... but it is not as ''a teacher or salesman'', as MFP suggests on light activity. I sit most of the time 8.30 am till 20.30 pm or even 21.30 pm in the library learning. Every 2-3 hours I go outside for a 10-30 min. break and walk to the supermarket to buy some fruits or…
  • hey, I know I made the right decision when I asked you! Great answers, thanks :) Ok, ok, intuitively I knew I am a bit hard on myself, I will slow it down. heybales, I will take your advice to the letter, sounds pretty logical. I wrote 1000-1200 net, because that means most days 1600-2000 total and seems a lot of food. I…