

  • Number of times you eat per day will help with your metabolism as well. Particularly with people like us who have a hard time eating the proper number of calories. Be prepared to feel a bit hungry once it kicks in though because once you start eating 5-6 times a day (remember portions) your body get's used to that schedule…
  • Maria, this site is absolutely great and the support here is phenomanal. Congrats on your success so far! That's awesome. I have every faith that you'll meet your next goal. Keep the faith, keep checking in, and know that you're not alone. Cheers! Alice
  • you're not at all pathetic. think of this site as a'll remember today and you'll do better tomorrow. I just started last week and I'm having a tough time meeting my calories which shocked the heck outta me! And I GAINED weight last week which blew my mind. But it's day by day. It's a trial :) But the support…
  • It isn't at all selfish to want to get to your old weight. Once you get in to that zone, you want to stay in it, especially when you start seeing results. I know exactly how you feel about sabotage, it's hard enough keeping yourself in check let alone having your friends pressure...or rather guilting you...into going out…
  • Hey I'm new here too and joined for the communal experience as well. It's so much easier to have people around you who know what you're going through. I've only been on for a couple of days but I've definitely found the calorie count very useful! Good luck!!!
  • I would be glad to join you. I have about 60 lbs to lose and definitely could use the support!