princessofmarrs Member


  • I like that adaption! Don't know too much about Kate Moss....know who she is but that's about it. I think being healthy is the best thing. Since I've lost all this weight I feel fabulous. Congrats to you on loosing 69 lbs! That's amazing!
  • Most of us feel this way. I have this problem every single month. If I really really really need chocolate I will eat the no sugar added fudge pops. They are yummy and only 40 calories and 2 sugars. It hits the spot. If I can't resist I just give in. Your body is telling you that you need more food at this time. Your body…
  • ROTFL...yes it does help some people....The quote is my motto around here. I've lost 48.2 lbs so far and I tell myself this quote every time I'm wanting junk food that I'm about to eat. I think of it this way, it keeps me from making unhealthy choices. Being 48 lbs lighter and still not anorexic nothing I ate in the past…
  • LMBO....I ramble on too....especially when talking to my friends....I realize later and will say wait how did we go from that conversation to this one.....It's ok ramble away. None of us are perfect, it's what makes us special :)
  • Eat small portions. Use smaller plate if available (looks like you have more). Eat 1/2 burger or better don't eat bun. bring a small container of light mayo to use. Chew slower so you fill up faster. and most important is to quit eating as soon as you are satisfied...not stuffed.
  • Wow!!! You look great. WTG! I must say you look much younger. Congrats! :smile:
  • You look amazing. You can see all of your hard work has paid off. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration to many. :smile: