

  • It's funny, but a friend of mine asked me the exact same question a few weeks ago. She told me that she worked with a girl that was really overweight. The girl missed work a lot because of knee pain - due to being overweight. She wanted to know if I could share any advice to help my friend talk to this girl. I will tell…
  • How much are you doing in terms of exercise? I ask because all through January, I was so tired. I just didn't have the energy to do anything. Then I really started getting back into my exericse. I started the C25K program, a little Zumba, and this week have been hitting the Shred HARD. I am now so full of energy. I'm back…
  • I definitely agree. I have been "morbidly" obese for a long time now. I was close to 300lbs - but happy that I'm closer to the 200lb mark. I had a fitness "analysis" to determine a healthy weight for my heigh (5'6") and my bone/body structure. The result was 145 - 155lbs. I've set my goal to be 145lbs, but if I'm happy…