tjohnoconnor Member


  • Hey, I'm Tim and I thought I would throw my name in here to find a few more friends. I'm 57 years old and married, living in central Michigan. In November 2010 @ 360# I began a new lifestyle. Dropped to 200 - 205# by August 2011. Maintained for two and a half years and set new goals in March 2014. Current weight 190# @ 19%…
  • Any advice or suggestions would be based in shear guesswork without being able to see your food journal.
  • It happens. Twice in my life I weighed over 350 pounds. 1st time I lost 110 pounds and gained it all back, in a very short period of time, ( you can gain weight 5 times faster than losing it). This time I lost 170 pounds and I have been at this weight + or - 5 pounds for the last 3 years. If I can do this, so can you.
  • Dieting without exercise can result in muscle losses as high as 30%. Strength training will give better results in burning fat because working muscle can burn fat long after workouts. Building muscle while in a calorie deficit is so close to being impossible that it doesn't need to be entertained as a subject. But strength…
  • Hard to say without knowing what you eat.
  • There is a good possibility that if you just started working out and gained weight that it could be water. Muscle strain and inflammation will cause water retention. . Your body composition is getting better so don't give up. This weight will level off and then the fat loss will…
  • There is a defining difference in carbs. Those that are simple and those that are complex. Basically a complex carb has 2g of fiber for every 100 calories. Fiber is a carb in itself but unlike other carbs it wont digest. It passes through your digestive system cleaning up so to say and lowering bad cholesterol. You will…
  • I have a Tony Little's Gazelle that I use on days I cant get outside. It stores away real easy and comes with a step counter. Its yard sale time so keep an eye out for one. It will be easy to find, just look for the object people hang their clothes on. I also run the stairs in my townhouse totally uncaring of what my…
  • All of them are estimates and some are better than others. There are so many things that go into those estimates as well. Even an HRM can only estimate. Without measuring lung capacity and blood gases and co2 and a plethora of other things it is all an estimate. What you can do is find which one works the best for you. For…
  • Try this, ( ) There are many features to this site but I only use the body measurement part. It measures you from head to toe and everything in between and keeps the history.
  • 1 whole egg, 4 servings of egg whites, a serving of grits mixed in with TVP, 1/4 avocado and an apple
  • Carbohydrate are essential for your diet. The question is more like what are good carbs and what are bad carbs. Good carbs. have 2g of fiber for every 100 calories. Fiber in itself is a carb but unlike other carbs it wont digest. Your body will burn 7 calories for every gram of fiber you consume. Fiber passes through your…
    in Carbs Comment by tjohnoconnor May 2014
  • I have had a flex since last November. I also compared calorie burn from my fitbit to the calories consumed to project possible weight loss and it came closer than MFP, mapmyfitness or my HRM. I'm not saying its perfect for everyone in that regard, its just the best for me.
    in fitbit? Comment by tjohnoconnor May 2014
  • I think successful people set short, mid and long term goals. They also don't oversell themselves on what to do to obtain their goals. Going from doing nothing to a Boot Camp style or P90X program is overselling. Find the small things that you can easily change and stick to that can have an impact on your program. And…
  • I understand about 1/3 of what you're going through. I'm a S.A.H.D. with a 3 year old daughter. Sometimes I have to get a little creative with workouts
  • I have seen people get a six pack by leaning up against a fence and spray painting their abdomen in less than 15 seconds. You have lots of time.
  • You are right about not gaining muscle. But if you have never really exercised or have not exercised in along time you are probably retaining water. Calorie deficits will always cause both muscle and fat loss. A person can lose up to 30% muscle mass while dieting without exercise. That can be reduced to 3 - 5% with…
  • I have an in law that looks at me like she just caught me having an intimate relationship with a farm animal, when I portion out food. Then goes into a rant about obsessive people for about 10 minutes. I just smile because you cant fix stupid.
  • I know how you feel on this subject. I'm sure by now you have heard all the rhetoric about the skin being an organ and eventually it will tighten up. And the part about drinking lotsowater and exfoliating to remove dry dead skin cells and on and on and on. Well all that is true plus a lot of time.
  • 20% is a little aggressive with how much you want to lose. Why don't you back off to 10 or 15%
  • Make small choices that can have big impact on weight loss goals. Once you have conquered that move on to the next and so on. Don't go on a crash diet, ( dieting without exercise and/or severe calorie restrictions ). Any calorie deficit will result in muscle loss as well as fat loss but no exercise can cause up to 30%…
  • If you are following MFP method they want you to hit your net calorie and in an ideal world you will still be in a deficit. Depending on your metabolism you might not want to eat them all back until you see how it works out.. If you lose more than 2 pounds a week you might want to eat a little more
  • I have one cheat meal a week where I might go as high as 500 calories over on that meal. I do rest for one day a week from exercise
  • Have you tried TVP ( Textured Vegetable Protein ) It is made by Bob's Red Mill. 1/4 cup ( 24g ) dry has 80 calories, 12g protein, and with 4g of fiber it leaves you with only 3g net carbs. You rehydrate it first and then add it to soups, stews or just use your imagination. It is pretty much tasteless so it takes on the…