

  • I absolutely LOVE the walk away the pounds videos. There's videos for free on youtube for walking one mile, all the way up to walking 6 I think. I am on the 4 mile and have lost almost 10 lbs this last month using them in my living room. I am expanding to the gym now because I want to try out some of the different…
  • I have lost eight lbs so far!! SW 234 CW 226 GW 199 (for the challenge)
  • Yes! We need to keep this going! It's exciting and a huge life change for me! Every day is a battle and I'm getting closer and closer to winning! I didn't lose any weight this week, but I didn't gain any back yet! So i'm still at a total of 6lbs lost. Which I think is FABULOUS! Keep up the hard work guys, the end result of…
  • I've lost 6 lbs since we started!! SW 234 CW 228 My goal for the end of this challenge is to weigh under 200 lbs, so even 199 would be a success!! Woohoo!!
  • My goals for today are : no late night snacking portion control 4 mile excersise video FYI - the leslie sansone videos 'walk away the pounds' have been a life savor to me :) Just thought I'd share for you guys!!
  • Day 9 goal : No late night snacking! Get to bed at a decent hour! drink 8 cups of water :) No soda
  • That's awesome!! That inspiration was much needed :) Congratulations !!
  • I am feeling great! I haven't smoked since September 3rd! My mini goal for today is to walk four miles. I have one mile down, and will be doing three more after work :) This group is so amazing!!
  • I'm so excited for this!! I have been doing exercise videos on my lunches at work! My goal is to walk at least 2 miles a day, if not more! I'm keeping a tally to watch how many miles I can walk in 100 days !! So far this week I have walked 7.2 since day one on Sept 3rd! !!
  • My birthday is right before Chirstmas and I'd love to be under 200 lbs by my birthday....even if it's 199 lbs!! I'm at 234 right now, and I'd like to lose 35 lbs by middle of December. Extra motivation and encouragement from groups is always a welcome! This will be great! I'm super excited!
  • Mine is hot cheetos...I have absolutely NO portion control and if I go near them I will eat them addiction is a work in progress :)
  • Me !!! Sign me up!