brigm1 Member


  • hi Trish, wow. it sounds like I can learn a lot from you! and I admire your tenacity even with the ADHD to contend with. thank you for stopping by. I hope we both are successful. you are already on your way and I am really hoping this time around I am, too. keep me posted! ; ) bri
  • Hi! I'm a little older but possible twin and also share similar diet! and did the whole too much wine after grieving thing past couple of months myself : ) Age 46 Height 5'2" SW 119 CW 114.4 GW 108-110 I have trouble with maintenance so I joined MFP just a week ago to see if it will help me get back to where I am most…
  • hi shals0! i think many people say eating 5-6 small meals is a great thing. however, there are some of us (like me) that are not snackers so need their 3 square and hearty meals a day. that said, it really doesn't matter which model you choose as long as you go with what your body wants. i think most important for you…
  • Congratulations! You are amazing! Do share how you remained motivated and what type of strength training you did?
  • Monday logging - success!!! Woo hoo!!:smile: :smile:
  • Me too, please!! My challenge is binge eating and always working on keeping an extra 5-10 pounds off. I need to re-teach my appetite : )