SirenPacific Member


  • Check out my blog, try diet first and small things with exercise. Wishing you the best! <3
  • I am doing T25 right now and have really enjoyed it. I agree very much with all that everyone here has said. I've lost 12lbs since January 2nd and feel great. I'm also a Beachbody coach. If you need help, support or have any questions at all, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Okay then, makes sense-thanks.
    in Juicing Comment by SirenPacific May 2013
  • @BEERRUNNER -too funny-The only reason I clicked on this feed is because I also went on a Warehouse 13 Binge-and I generally don't even like SyFy! You know it's bad when you start thinking of your phone as your Farnsworth and you start thinking of all kinds of real world objects as artifacts. You know...the violin player's…
  • So...I just saw's what's up. I'll just create a group for us. "Short but Mighty!" I'll add the link to this in a moment. Ladies 5'2-5'4 going from approximately 200-180's to 140's-130's? Alright, there it is! If anyone wants to be a moderator lemme…