

  • You think so? Thank you! Being at college, I obviously still live with my parents, and my mum is into nutrition and is very supportive of me being / transitioning to vegan. She's always checking I'm getting enough of everything. Thank you for your advice. I'm in bed by 9 most nights anyway haha. I don't understand those…
  • I can't cycle at the moment. There are lots of reasons, it'd be boring to go into them. I'm just going to leave it at that. If it was a different situation, I would, but it's just not a possibility for me right now. I'm by no means an expert, but I do know that there are plenty of plant-based sources of protein I can (and…
  • Fair point. Like I just said, I've got a gym membership now, so I'll be going three times a week (for the moment - it's exam season for me so I can't go mad with it). Cycling honestly isn't an option for me right now. I would be too much, too long, too complicated, not to mention we've already paid for the yearly…
  • I do eat a very wide variety of fruit and vegetables. I do need to check how much protien and fat I'm eating, but I'm not depriving myself of anything. Is that the only reason you don't consider it to be eating well? I've just joined the gym, so I'll look into weights there. Thank you for your help!
  • Seriously, my college is 15 miles away - it would take me over an hour to cycle, not to mention the motorways involved. But, good news, I just got a membership at my local gym - I'll be going 3 times a week after college. I've also just signed up for a sailing course in May / June (haha yes actually just this morning).…
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