Newmomma1983 Member


  • I am on day 60 so still relatively new to this diet. I'm down 19 lbs so far. For fat I take mct oil 2 or 3 times per day, add butter to most cooked veggies and meats, lots of eggs and bacon (3x/week maybe), avocado a couple times per week, cheese and also use coconut oil to cook.
  • Amazing work!!
  • Lol tricia... has baby arrived?!
  • Hi Rie and Minky Welcome to our group! I am due in 53 days and can start focusing on dropping the pounds along with you guys :) Congrats on your new little ones! Good luck with dropping the weight, I am excited to see your trackers moving! :-)
  • Hi Ashley! Sounds like you will drop the weight in no time! Good luck with the final weeks of your prenancy :)
  • Welcome Lucy! Congrats on your second baby and to only gaining 35 lbs! Amazing! I am 31 weeks and already +37 lbs :s Did you have a boy or girl? What is your fitness/eating plan? I obviously can't start til my little one is here in ~9 wks but my plan is to loosely follow the Dolce Diet, do 30 min cardio every day plus 4-5…