Rsharp76 Member


  • Awesome plan! I've had to change my way of thinking about food too. I've been back on track a week and feeling much better throughout the day. It won't be long till we are both seeing results. You can do it!
  • Thanks guys! Just found this site yesterday and I'm pretty pumped. I was using a different app for calorie counting but this one seems very easy to use and since it's posted online, I think it will keep me more accountable. I'm really looking forward to losing the weight so I can become more active. There are a lot of…
  • Thanks man, it definitely was. Looked at your profile, you know how relaxing a long ride can be. I started a couple weeks ago at 375 and will ultimately get down to or under 250, but my first goal is 299. I want to get a 2 in front of that weight pretty dang bad! lol I have a bike and have been biking or walking every day.…