goturtlego Member


  • I did it every other day, so my "weeks" weren't quite a week.
    in couch25k Comment by goturtlego June 2012
  • Of course there are other ways to get a cardio work out in, but for me running seems to work the best for weight loss because it burns a lot of calories--approximately 100 per mile! My suggestions to make it less painful: 1. GOOD SHOES. I'm a very frugal person and hate spending a lot of money on things, but do not cheap…
  • After a few days, it gets easier. You're probably used to just always having a full belly- I know I have been. Your body will get used to eating less. You can also fill up on fruits and veggies. Lettuce has hardly any calories but will fill you up. Snack on carrot sticks or slices of jicama throughout the day. Drink lots…