

  • And you should...Steps are steps. Weird, this replied to the wrong post...Oh well, time to cut the grass
  • You can't just look at the weight, because a lot of it depends on what you're doing...I plateaued, weight-wise recently, but my body fat is dropping off rapidly...I lift a lot. 190lbs, 14% BF... 6 weeks ago I was 188lbs, 24% BF...
  • I'll weigh in...pun intended... I retired from the Army in 2005 and kept eating like I was in the Army, but not doing anything else. I got fat. I started with MFP and a Fitbit in January, 2014 and lost 55lbs through eating right and exercising. I plateaued with 5lbs left so bought some CLA at GNC and gave it a shot while…
  • A plateau is the thing I'm currently sitting upon...Stuck at 188...
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