

  • I guess it's all about water balance, at this period the weight may behave like scales, becides you mentioned that had eaten some not very healthy food, that in fact usually contain too much salt or sugar which in turn leads to a water retention. Anyway be careful with such situations, it may be a kind of stress for your…
  • I guess that's all in your mind, you just worry too much and it seems to you all is so bad, to be sure your heart works well you may follow two ways- consult a doctor and pass some tests or just start wearing heart rate monitor to see the full picture of how your heart copes with the burden during the day .
  • I"m sure you can handle that individually, of course it could be easier if a coach in the gym controlled your workouts and all the exercises were done using professional equipment, but you can make your own plan of training and using minimum of stuff and heart rate monitor
  • I had a very interesting situation once, through all my life I"ve never had any problems with the heart rate and one day I noticed that my HRM showed that my heart was beating like crazy, since I hadn't done any exercises before that just had walked along the street with my dog I was really worried and even thought the…
  • I'd advise Beets BLU HRM, I've chosen it for a perfect combination of cost and accuracy of parameters, though of course you should remember that much depends on the application here. I'm using it with my favorite smartphone exercise tracking app and I must say it works just great for me.
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