ugavirules Member


  • I love the 30 day shred, it is a great workout! I just wanted to say CONGRATS on your weight loss.. You have accomplished a lot!
  • Had no idea you could ask her questions, that is great. I can see why you need a couple of days off doing this workout.. but I try to only take one day off but sometimes two. I also totally agree that it should never be two days in a row off. Makes it MUCH harder to get back into it for some reason! Thanks for posting this…
  • Hi, I've been on the Jillian 30 day shred now for a month now and I do it everyday but Sunday... I also felt like I was going to DIE the first couple of weeks.. but after the second week I really felt good and could pretty much hang with her with a few stops along the way (sorry but when she tells me if I need to take 5 I…
  • Sorry I took it that the op would be sitting. You can shadow box while sitting and thats what Jillian was saying was if you had a lower body injury you can still do shadow boxing without using your knees... I can do it while sitting.. but I would always consult a doctor in a situation like that of the OP... ;-0
  • I found a video of the biggest Loser cardio max that shows them shadow boxing. Here is the link, its at a little over 6 mins into the video.
  • Hello Megan, I'm new to the site as well. Congrats on making a big step in your personal fitness, that is sometimes the hardest. Making the choice to change. I really like this site and I love how I can track my exercise and my food intake... So far I have no complaints at all about the site, its great. Jackie
  • I'm new on this site but I wanted to say that I've been doing Jillian's 30 day shred and she mentions that if you have a lower body injury that shadow boxing is a good cardio workout without involving your lower body...