

  • It has been my experience that vegans are all-or-nothing people. I know their intentions are good, especially if they've seen a big change in the way they feel after going vegan. What I have done with a couple of vegan friends is just sit down and talk to them about it. I let them know that I'm thrilled that they've found…
  • To my way of thinking, it's all a matter of common sense. We all know the proper foods to eat. I don't pay any attention to the alarmists. Yes, people should cut down on added sugar, but let's face it, there will always be someone ringing the "jump ship" bell over something. We all know what good foods we should eat, it's…
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. There will always be temptations. It's part of the process. You have to pat yourself on the back for what you HAVE lost, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you cheat, just get back on as soon as you can. It's when you feel deprived that you will run into the most trouble. I've…