alnovasad35 Member


  • Thanks everyone for your advice and support! I am not sure how to comment on your reply or I would! I have already saved all the suggested websites, printed off the chicken nugget recipe and pinned the 26 foods you should learn to cook first! I am taking coverturf's advice and jumping right in!
  • Do you drink a certain kind of soda? Mountain Dew used to be my drink of choice! I too was/am not a coffee drinker! The second I would get up I would crack one open. I had one where ever I went. I seriously drank the stuff until I fell asleep at night, where it then rested on my night stand. I never drank water. Didn't…
  • Thanks everyone! @ Black_Cats_Rule...I was not logging. I tried a few times but you said it...I was too ashamed to actually see those calories. So I stopped. I will start back today! @ roseannawoodpecker...I have two (little girls) picky eaters. That makes it super hard. I know what you mean about lack of support. Plus, my…
  • THANK YOU! Perhaps your post is all I need! I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I've been there, probably the hardest thing to go through. I think my problem is thinking I can jump back into it from where I left off. I am going to take your advice and take baby steps again! I know EXACTLY what you are talking about when…
  • Thank you so much for your post! I have downloaded it and at first tried to be faithful to it. I WANT to become a runner so badly, but I HATE RUNNING! I have been stuck on Week 5 Day 2 for a few weeks now...only because I know that Week 5 Day 3 is going to be so hard! I can walk 4-6 miles a day ranging from 3.8 - 4.1 pace.…