

  • 1) What are your goals for this week? To stay within my calorie limit and to squeeze a workout in whenever possible. 2) What are your goals for this month? My goal for this month is to get back into the 120s as my first mini goal. 3) Which video(s) will you be using? I will be using 30 Day Shred...along with doing Zumba 2…
  • I'm in... 1/1- 0 1/2- 20 minutes 1/3- 0 1/4- 60 minutes 1/5- 1/6- 1/7- 1/8- 1/9- 1/10- 1/11- 1/12- 1/13- 1/14- 1/15- 1/16- 1/17- 1/18- 1/19- 1/20- 1/21- 1/22- 1/23- 1/24- 1/25- 1/26- 1/27- 1/28- 1/29- 1/30- 1/31- 80/1000