For me it's more about long term goals. A couple of years ago I signed up for a triathlon even though I was out of shape, but I had time to train. My motivation was not looking like a fool. Once I got rolling and saw progress, I would think about that bowl of ice cream and think "that is going to put me behind on my…
Cool to see people
Pretty often Hye experienced something bigger than yourself?
Die hard 3 Why do I have to be mr. Pink?
maybe he left to administer a massage but not tell you about it
Makes me tilt my head to look at her profile
Happy July 5th
No Hye eaten balut?
The right stuff
Raiders of then lost ark Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it
Was it empire records? Or high fidelity? My favorite animal is the liger...
Uh huh, you had me thinking I insulted you. I felt bad and was going to pm you to apologize.
So you are rebellious? Lol, ok, good
Lol, um, it was supposed to be a compliment, if you are rebellious, you don't like to feel restricted and you feel you need to walk your own path. Guess I was wrong, sorry?
You have a cute face, lol .
You strike me as the rebellious type, somehow I doubt you feel "restrictive" much
Trying to make me chase you?
Guys too distracted by cleavage to see your face? I apologize for male hormones
Sure, I'd take her out for ice cream
Good point, but this is a diet site so we need to burn it off after
Me? Thanks!
Pineapple harbanero sorbet, best I have ever had
It wasn't that bad. Better once I put Heath bar and caramel syrup on it. Is that still vegan?
Come on over Does sprinkling kosher salt over the caramel work as well as the store bought stuff, thinking
Chocolate ice cream and caramel syrup. Talk to you all after the sugar coma
Goal accomplished then, lol
That just sounds creepy
I'm going to get hungry now
Just seeing if anyone was actually reading what I post Chocolate turtles at least