greentree0 Member


  • Your pace sounds like a good one to me, and the comment you got deserves the response "did you mean to be rude?" I too used to swim for a club before I went to college. I started C25k on the first of May, so I've been straight running/jogging for a couple of months. This evening I managed to do my standard 2.5 miles…
  • I started on c25k at the beginning of May, and posted my initial progress here. I travelled a lot for work over the summer, and stopped posting. But I kept plugging on (and logging my runs) and I've been running for half an hour 3-ish times a week for the last few weeks. Today I did a 5k race! The chip times haven't been…
  • Congratulations ladies :-)
  • W6D2 completed. No more walking breaks from here onwards. (Which is a little terrifying!)
  • Hooray for finding a good route for next week! You should be really proud of where you've got to! I managed W6D1 even though I got home later than planned so it was dark when I ran, and despite some residual weariness from being ill on Monday. Not a great distance, but I'm pleased i got out there and did something at all.
  • I'm not running tonight because I was ill last night and feel like a wet rag today. But I wanted to wave at everyone and say keep up the good work :smile:
  • W5D3 done. I thought I was going to stop the whole way through, but I got to the end. My 'brisk' cooldown walk afterwards was soooo slow!
  • AglaeaC - this means you're past the week where you injured yourself last time - that must be a load off your mind. Congratulations on getting further!
  • That sounds great :smile: I did W5D2 yesterday, so tomorrow will be W5D3. I'm not thrilled about the prospect, but there's only one way to find out whether I can do it...
  • Today you ran approximately twice as much as last time! The emotion you should have is pride - look how much more running you did! I think repeating until you finish the week is a great plan. Two things - do you have decent shoes and a decent bra for running? There's a fairly active C25K group -…
  • W5D1 done. Onwards and upwards. Keep it up everyone!
  • Congratulations on both the successful run and the mental victory of doing it! You have shown that you can run W8. And there's nothing wrong with a good cry - you've managed to overcome the injury and done what might be the harder thing which is to climb back on the wagon. Those are big victories! Will your week 9 coincide…
  • Congratulations! That's great! W4D3 done here. And the nearby pool opened yesterday, so I'll be able to swim a little on non c25k days if it's warm enough :-)
  • There's a fairly active c25k group here - with people who are at all stages of the program.
  • I'd be interested too. I won't be a the run 5k stage, but I would keep on run/walking at the end of whatever session I was doing until I hit 5k!
  • But you did it! Yay!
  • I think there are lots of apps out there. I just use the nhs podcasts, and then I calculate my distance and average overall speed for calorie burn using a map program. But there are lots of apps out there - might help? I'm a run and a day behind - just…
  • Congratulations - that is a really big achievement!
  • I'm pleased you managed to catch yourself before you hit the ground! I have bruises from a (non-running related) slip last week and they are not beautiful. Good luck for W5 I just started W4 today and noticed that the run time has jumped from 9mins last week to 16 mins today! But it was fine. Actually it was good! More…
  • New thread! Shiny! We don't have walk-lights on the routes I've used so far - pedestrians have right-of-way. But if they're there, then use them - I can imagine how long my run would take if they involved an impromptu check-up by EMTs, or worse! (edited for quote mangling)
  • Come and sing of your successes on the daily check-in thread - there are people in all of the weeks so you can hear what's ahead and know that someone else will be running some part of the program the same day you are!
  • Congratulations on the successful runs everyone :-) I jog on the spot when this happens - it keeps my HR up and has the side benefit of seeming to make drivers actually stop when it looks like they will blow through a crosswalk!
  • W3D3 done here. And it was better than at the weekend. Next time will be W4!
  • I agree with the the Yay for al the progress everyone is making, from the people who have braved week one and found they could become runners to the people who are near the end of, or have just finished, the program and show that it does work :-) AglaeaC - that was how I felt on Saturday, and thankyou4thevenom wisely said:…
  • Congratulations pmur - you should be really proud!
  • W3D2 done here. it wasn't great, but it is done.
  • Hooray for all the people just starting, all the people just finishing and everyone who is in the middle! I am probably having a rest day today, because a friend from far away may be in town this evening. From my Wednesday post, the only reason I know I'm now up to 4mph on average is because that's how I'm logging it on…
  • I just got in from W3D1 too. I managed to get my average speed (run & walk combined) just over 4mph today. And it was OK!
  • W2D3 done. Those tips will be coming in handy soon I think - thanks! DJtrv - congrats on starting and angf0679 - good luck in the shoe hunt!
  • Shoes and a decent bra are the big things from my point of view. Are you starting soon or have you started already?