angelaford3194 Member


  • I haven't tracked calories since right before my husband and I went on vacation. I'm having ups and downs, some days I just feel.. blah, but I keep thinking to myself, "Tomorrow is another day, and I can do better than this." I log on MFP a few times a week, but I haven't used the diary at all lately. I'm still going to…
  • I like to use the NutriBullet for my fruits and veggies. I've even added a little cinnamon or cocoa powder to the mix. Usually use anywhere from 6-10 different types of fruits and veggies, and I try to stay away from making it all fruits.
  • Stop trying to tell people who have a lot more life experiences than you that what they are doing isn't hard. Fine, it may not be hard for you, but for some, they aren't in an 18 year old male body that has the strength and endurance to do this as easily as you. You want to log on here and be judgmental, maybe you should…