kblaine92 Member


  • Thanks!! :)
  • What is considered "healthy" fats?
  • Well thank you! I would be more satisfied with a weight around 118-120.. & hopefully by then I'll be much happier with myself in a bathing suit.. I could just tend something as simple as toning up and I would be happy with my weight now but I don't have the time to go to the gym and I do work out but weights is what I…
  • I really appreciate all of your input and advice. I need the education when it comes to this being that it is so new to me. When I read the nutritional facts on food labels I only look at protein, how many grams of fat, and calories. I haven't really learned what all is "okay" and balancing with this diet. So when I go to…
  • Oh and also, I have found it enjoyable that I don't constantly feel bloated as before when I was eating horribly.. but I don't enjoy feeling hungry.. you're very right about it making this hard but it's gotten easier. But I don't want to be unhealthy and I need as much advice and appreciate it all thus far!
  • I have it set to lightly active but I changed my goal to losing .5 lbs a week instead of 1.5 ( I'm new to this whole dieting thing) and my calorie intake says 2080! I don't even know If I could eat that much in a day ( lol )
  • So I would subtract from my TDEE calorie intake number? If so after subtracting 20% It comes to 1440 calories a day.
  • Yeah I'm not sure why when I set this up it gave me a calorie intake of 1200 so that's what I've been going by, and yes I have stayed HUNGRY!
  • I walk/jog 2-3 miles a day. If that makes a difference
  • What's the proper amount of calories for my size then and especially if I want to lose 8lbs?
  • I am 5'3 127lbs and I am a female.
  • Thanks for all of the great replies!! :)