

  • what about pancake recipes that use coconut flour? I've tried a few with alomond flour, bananas, eggs ect and they don't turn out too good.
  • any good hummus recipes? I miss dipping vegetables in hummus so much!
  • I had a undiagnosed thyroid issue hashi/hypo so I kept on gaining and did not change my eating patterns for the most part. At least nothing significant enough to gain 45lbs in less then a year.
  • my waist is always the last thing to go. I have to be within 10lbs of my goal weight to finally start losing inches there. I'm also very short with a short torso so it tends to kind of congregate there. I usually lose from the bottom up but totally skipping my mid section ;)
  • I'm also short 4'10". I'm currently trying to lose weight after gaining weight due to health issues but when I do maintain around 105lbs I do strength training about three times a week. Also I know some say to eat smaller meals through the day but I prefer three bigger meals and a small snack around 7pm. I feel full and…
  • I have mine set at 25% 94g. But basically I try to stay 50-95g
  • I use almond cheese once in a while. There's coconut yogurt but I haven't tried. I'm eating paleo which cuts out dairy and grains. We use almond milk too.
  • B- egg and vegetable omelet with fruit and sometimes meat like bacon or sausage. Paleo muffins with bacon/sausage. Today was really random because I was tired. Some cashews, sausage and banana. I try to keep it balanced as much as possible with healthy fats. L- usually salads. Today I'm having sweet potato and tuna cakes…
  • Thanks so much everyone! I will definitely start letting them cook with me. I'm very OCD so that has been a big struggle for me. I will just start earlier so that we have time to prepare and cook everything. I didn't know how to cook going into my marriage so we spent almost half of our marriage eating from boxes. Luckily…
  • Unfortunately I am mostly sedentary. I'm a stay at home mom and basically just cook, clean and homeschool. At the moment I am only doing piyo. I got very burnt out doing hiit and strength for years and was diagnosed with hashimoto's recently with some deficiencies. So I'm trying to heal my body. Seems like 25% has been a…
  • Thanks everyone. I will definitely try to increase my calories. I set my ratios to 25c 25p 50f does that seem ok? I think just raising my fat will help me eat more calories. I've been too afraid to add any. I don't want to fall into the trap of not eating enough and harming my health even more.
  • Mine is set at 40c 30/30 .i wasn't really sure what to set it at but I figured I could adjust as I go. I've been getting about 80g carbs average which is less so will adjust, Also paleoplan is the same thing it's a just a meal planning service. They plan out three meals and a snack every day and you get a new menu each…