

  • I don't think you lose more weight if you sweat more. It might stand to reason that in the short term you would as you lose water through sweat, but I would think that once you rehydrate, you'll find yourself having actually burned the exact same amount of calories as you did the day before wearing lighter clothing. Then…
  • I have seen people eat and drive, put on makeup and drive, read and drive, watch tv and drive, text and drive, etc. Even shave their face with an electric razor. But never, ever, this extreme. Apparently there is no limit as to what people think they can do while driving. Fascinating!
  • To be honest, I have always had diarrhea when I'm getting ready to have a really big loss. If you think about, that fat has to go somewhere. Sometimes I can even see fat floating on top of urine in the toilet. Gross, but beneficial. So when I have diarrhea, I am thankful knowing I'm gonna have a loss. I know that sounds…
  • Where do you find roasted red peppers? I mean like where at in the grocery? I've looked at Wal-Mart and Kroger, but no luck. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place? This sounds delicious!
  • When I reach my goal weight, I'm going to have a baby. :) Either adopt or sperm donor. I don't care. I'm 35 already and I want nothing else in the world like I want to be a mommy.