

  • Click on "Exercise" from the tool bar at the top of the page. You'll then see a place in the middle of the page to "add exercise" click that. You'll need to click on the drop down menu near it and choose Cardio or Strength training. Type in what you did. Your exercise may or may not be listed. If it isn't just type it in…
  • Hi Michelle, I tried this a few weeks ago but didn't stick with it. I'm ready to do it this time. I think I know how to log on daily. I am a mother of 1 with 40 lbs to loose but something tells me that it will take me forever. I never finish anything I start - I hate that about myself. I'd like to friend you. I'll try to…
  • I'm fat and miserable and have to make a change. I struggle to finish what I start. I hope I can follow through with this. I need to loose about 40lbs. One day at a time - right.
    in hi eveyone Comment by isignsw May 2011
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