

  • Mom to a 9 month old little boy (and a 19 & 17 y.o. but they're pretty independent, lol) and I also work full-time. It is so hard to find time to exercise! It doesn't help that he is still waking up 1-2 times a night, either. Oh sweet little man, why don't you sleep like your brothers did? I gained my weight before I was…
  • Hi! I'm 41 and have one pound for each year of life to lose. I did calorie-counting and exercising in 2007 and lost 30+ pounds. But after moving and starting a new job, I gained it all back, with a few new "friends". I am also a new mom again - my baby is 9 months old (my older 2 are 19 & 17). I managed to lose most of the…