OfficialDSXIII Member


  • It seems restrictive because you chose 2 pounds lost per week. Having it set that way means you'll be cutting out 1000 calories a day. It depends on you whether or not you could sustain that until you reach your goals. Personally, I couldn't feel satisfied with only 1400 calories, but you kind of have to try it and see for…
  • As others have already said it's all about total calories, so no, stopping at 8pm won't make a difference. However, if you do feel the need for late snacking it could be that the foods you have eaten throughout the day are not satisfying you. I'm not sure what your daily intake is like, but some things that could help…
  • I have some and use it when I'm too mentally drained to workout. It does the job and gets me hyped really quickly. The guy above was right about the skin tingliness too, but I find it goes away once I start lifting. I also enjoy the taste!
    in C4 Comment by OfficialDSXIII March 2016
  • No, I understood. I was responding to the OP. What you're doing will definitely work for you, but I was just explaining why it might not for the OP. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • It could work, but it also might not. The person at your goal weight could possibly be very active and eating more than you would need in order to maintain their size. I would recommend using MFPs numbers as a start and evaluate from there. If it's working then keep at it and if not then take away a little more calories.
  • Hey Maggie, I've struggled with a similar problem for a long time and would binge eat when I'm frustrated or upset. Recently I've been able to keep the problem in check by having posted reminders all over my walls about what my goals are. Nothing fancy, just simple text reminders that I printed out and pasted everywhere.…
  • My girlfriend has corn allergies and I bought some maple syrup that said no high fructose corn syrup on the front label thinking it was ok. Good thing I checked again before I gave her any because the first ingredient on the back label was corn syrup. X_X My fault for not checking thoroughly at the store, but seriously, it…
  • No.. and that goes for almost everything in life. Just get back to it!
  • Alcohol. I eat a lot as is, but for some reason when I drink alcohol I eat so much more than I should.
  • You got this! I'm your height and also started at 260 pounds. I'm not where I want to be yet, but am still making progress. Adopting a low carb lifestyle was the first successful step I took in changing my body composition and I'm sure it will do the same for you!
  • Different goals for different days is nice, as well as the gram option vs %, but 10 a month??
  • At extreme levels I'm sure you could have too much protein. I've read that at least 1g per pound of lean body mass is optimal to lessen muscle loss when losing weight. I'm sure even 1g per pound of total body weight would be fine, but personally I find it very difficult to hit that number without using supplements so I…
  • Yeah on PS4. Can't wait for Tekken 7! I can't remember much of the abridged dbz videos.. just vaguely remember vegeta being hilarious...
  • I'm 10 pounds away starting at 260. I'm curious to what my bf% will be when I'm there and how I'll look. Can't wait!
  • I'm more of a DBZ, Tekken, MGS, PS4, Destiny, FF7 nerd.
  • When you eat low carb for long periods, your body will produce different types of ketones that the sticks can't read. Just keep tracking your macros and calories and you should get your results!
  • Ha! This made me laugh. :) ..and yes folks it's mayo. I guess I didn't specify that it was mayo.... wait I did. Each beef patty was 4oz raw.. they shrunk while I cooked them so I guess that's why the mayo looked big. Also, it was beef only. Nothing used to make it stick together. I apologize that it wasn't so creative…
  • More for me. :)
  • Lost - Crazy, confusing, but couldn't stop watching. Continuum - Time travel ish. Dexter - Killer trying to fit in with normal life as a blood spatter analyst. Very good! Sons of Anarchy - Definitely a lot of crime and dark at times. Once Upon a Time - Fairy tale ish, just not how you might remember them, Revolution -…
  • I've been eating under 30g of carbs for awhile now and have never felt better. Just make sure you get enough protein and eat a lot of fats.. and mind your calories also. I don't recommend cutting carbs completely though. You should eat raw vegetables with your meals. As far as what to eat it's pretty simple. Just buy meat…
  • The myth is one being better than the other. Do both. Enjoy. :)
  • I tried a cauliflower crust before after watching some how-to videos. It tasted great, but I had to eat it with a fork so I probably failed miserably at making it.
  • I did this without getting paid... ...I feel cheap. :|
  • I had similar stats to you when I started out. I was 5'10, 260 pounds and am currently about 215. I think going low carb would be great for you! That's what I did to lose the weight and it has been sustainable for me because I carb up for a day and a half every week. I did a lot of research on different nutrition plans…
  • I must have this..... how please? :)