

  • 5 weeks ago, 1 minute of straight running was too much for me. You will get to five minutes! I just looked at the post about the "dreaded 20 minute run" thats coming up, and I'm filled with terror! LOL! But loud music and really good shoes also help out . . I actually went to a running store and got fitted, something I've…
  • Completed Week 4 day 3 yesterday! Apparently I CAN run 5 minutes without stopping! Hooray!
  • FiFi . . . . it just sounds cute!
  • Lori, I share your reluctance to "diet" - just thinking about it sets my teeth on edge and makes me think of all the times I've not lost weight. Also it makes me hungry. LOL! I also agree with the thyroid testing - TSH is, as has been mentioned, terribly inaccurate, and I've found very few endocrinologists who will work…
  • This program works! I never, EVER ran before, and I was able to run my first 5K after training through week 2 only. I finished in 50 minutes. I'm still using the program, training for another 5K in one week. I hope to decrease my time by 10 minutes. I am no expert, but I recommend putting a 5K in the middle of your…
  • Said no to mcdonalds after the gym. I was SO hungry, but drank water till it passed. Hooray!
  • I've been working hard for 6 weeks and haven't lost a single pound. I almost gave up but then had my body fat percentage measured and that number is steadily going down! Maybe have that tracked, cause it sounds like you're getting lean and building muscle. Don't give up!
    in Standstill? Comment by drdove23 May 2011
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