

  • i can totally empathise, i just loooove food but that means my weight goes up and down there is no consistancy which i know is noy very good for your body, now i have given up the alcohol aswell food is my weakness but i keep busy and then i know i can eat a bit more thats how i see it, if i want that bacon sandwich i do a…
  • i am interested in joining my weight now is 14stone.
  • thanks for that, i know it is so gtreat it even tells you wen you havent eaten enough i know thats prob why i havent lost it in the past and felt quite ill so i stopped dieting but this way it shows you wat u need its great,my goal for now is 72kg and im 78kg now i have given myself 5 weeks to do it in and they have said…
    in newbe Comment by elli1 April 2011