wishfulgal Member


  • So, the wisdom is that we are suffering with weight gain in menopause because our cavemen ancestors were 'bahstids' and when sharing out the food they gained on their hunting expeditions, they dished it out in the order of hunters and boys, women and other children and if anything was left over, the elderly ladies got a…
  • As they say about climate change, 'the science is not settled'. And that is true about the ideal method of eating. Some say: 'Spread your calories evenly over 3 meals and have 2 small snacks'. Some say: 'Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper'. More recently, the given wisdom is that you should eat…
  • I'm in SMP. Have found lumps and bumps which I've never had before, even after a lifetime of being...um...plump and pudding-like. Suddenly, my favourite food...my VERY favourite food (bread) is a fat-making machine. I have aches 'n pains and...I confess...I am a FRUMP. I want to be a groomed, elegant 57 year old next year.
  • Hi Wolfie. At 49, you're but a puppy, but nice to know I'm not alone among all these teenagers!:smile:
  • Hi MGL, Which part of France? I'm there too.
  • Hello all, I'm from the United Kingdom, but live in France. I'm a veteran fatty. I've been 'thin' (for about 3 days of my life). My adult weight has ranged from 108lbs (for 3 days) to coming up for 200lbs. I'm the wrong side of 50 and find that menopause slaughters the metabolism. Mine didn't just slow down...it upped and…
  • South East England...me. Am I the only 'ancient' (50+) in UK?
  • Sitting in a waiting room, waiting to board a flight, a woman (not small herself), saying : 'I don't want to be rude dear, but I hope I don't have to sit next to you on the flight.' Me: 'Why?' She: 'You must have to wear one of those belt extender things.' (I don't...not by quite a way). Boys singing the song: 'Hey fatty…
  • Having lost about three zillion pounds over a lifetime (56 years) of being fat...then less fat...then fat...then less fat...then grossly obese again, I'm not going to be throwing my fat clothes out again. I had some really classy, classical suits which by some magic, managed to cover up the worst lumps and bumps. I donated…