

  • Also I found an article on working out I thought about trying. Month 1 work out 3x a week 40min. Doing cardio 20min and then the rest strength/resistance. Month2 -4 /65min sessions 25 cardio amd the rest strength/resistance. Month 3 -5/90min sessions 30min cardio and rest strength/resistance The strength excersises are…
  • My favorite is the ellipitical but I do not think that I can lose weight on it. :( I am kinda overwhelmed by the machines and when to do it. I get bored really quick so I try to keep my time at 45 min. :/ still trying to find a workout buddy that lives nearby. I am 5'10 and weigh 185. I have a one year old and still trying…
  • Thanks for the reply. I cannot make myself workout at home :/ I have tried several times. What do you do at the gym?