

  • :D Thanks! I found NerdFitness but not the others. This will help tons ^_^
  • Thanks :D @Ndj: Oh, I know I'm not building muscle. At least not actively. Swimming actually sculpts a body rather well though, but my focus is not to "beef up", just to slim down. I chose swimming over weight training because lifting is hell on your joints and my family has a history of bad knees, etc. I might work on…
  • Ah, I see now, I didn't know the deficit was already factored. Though I think I chose the wrong activity level. I picked moderate, but I literally swim hard laps every single day and sometimes do extra cardio if I've eaten something I regret (lol). How do I change it so I am not under-fueling? I'm gonna try out the scale,…
  • Hrm...if there's no way around having to weigh everything I eat I'm not sure how effective my efforts are going to be then unfortunately. This whole weight loss thing is becoming more and more complicated by the minute. My original idea was that I just stop eating crap food, start being active again, and as time draws on…
  • OH also I'm 24. I missed that question, sorry. I'm also 5'3. As for my thighs touching, well, they really aren't supposed to. Like, a girl isn't supposed to have tiny twig legs (though it's not her fault if she had them naturally of course) but having that much fat around your thighs just seems to be more than recommended.…
  • Ah, the morning. My problem is that I've always been kind of an insomniac and I uuuusuallly sleep through morning, lol. Should I just weigh when I first wake up then or does the time of day come into play there? I see a lot of posts as well about weighing your food and such and - doesn't that help lead to obsessive…
  • @Virgo: I can't say I am. I'd say that I might be doing it in the ballpark range - I usually get done swimming at around 10:30-ish and weigh in before I get into pajamas. I'll have to set a specific time for more consistent results. As for my clothes, they fit the same unfortunately. @Grace: Wow, tons of info here :D I…
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