JWruns Member


  • I like to think of my calorie count like a bank account. I start each day with a budget. I spend some throughout the day. And when I workout I earn a little back. I’ll spend some of what I earned, but at the end of the day, I like to have some ‘money’ left in the bank, not a negative balance.
  • get a mental picture of what you want to be. you could even cut out a picture from a magazine of what you would like to look like- and i DON'T mean some twiggy little swimsuit model! find a realistic goal, and keep picturing yourself looking that way. :)
  • did those jeans belong to the girl in pink???
  • yeah, you definitely have a nice healthy look in the last picture. you just look more vibrant. it's hard to tell completely since you're covered by those big jeans, and your arms are cut out of the picture- usually arms are where you can see a difference. post another one for us that shows a more complete view of you! :)
  • sorry to keep adding stuff- just thought of something else! when i was running about 2-4 miles at a time, i got my first pedometer. that made a huge difference! i'd be able to see exactly how far i ran, and it motivated me to push a little more. so if i felt "done" and had gone 4.6 miles, i'd push myself to make it 5.…
  • oh and PS- when i started running, 25 pounds melted away within a year!!
  • hang in there, all of you!! i couldn't run for crap a few years ago. then i started running with a friend, about 1.5 miles a day, and i'd be totally worn out at the end. but i kept at it, and i got a little better each day, and before you know it i was up to 5 miles a day, a few times a week. then i kept going.... and now…
  • start by just going out for walks. realize that's pleasant just to be outside moving and enjoying nature. don't even think of it as exercise. if exercise is work, you won't do it. find something you enjoy doing. you definitely don't need to start with pushups!! just walk! :)
  • i love ezekial bread. wouldn't really make a sandwich with it, but it makes the BEST toast!!
  • wow! now everyone imagine a swimming pool filled with the 1000 pounds of fat that you all worked off this month!
  • there is definitely progress there!! you look great!!
  • if you're looking for sweets: the special k protein bars in chocolate peanut butter are delicious. slim fast also has some really yummy snack bars that taste like candy. the peanut butter crunch bar will make you think you're having a butterfinger!
  • i eat mexican every wednesday! it's delicious! what i do is that morning, i'll log my dinner, so those calories are already subtracted from my daily total. then i'm a little more conscious throughout the day of what i eat, to balance it out. salsa is super good for you- so no need to skimp there. when you pick up a chip,…
  • amen! i passed up a donut today at work just because i didn't want to type it in and "admit" it!
  • sure thing! :)
  • Here's a good article for you! http://www.betterbodyjournal.com/p90x/p90x-for-overweight-and-obese-people
  • P90X is a super tough workout. It'll kick your booty... in a good way! :) The nice thing is, you can do it in your own home, so if it's tough at first, you can always pause it, or skip certain parts. Each time you do it, you'll get a little better. If you stick with it for 90 days, you'll REALLY see results!
  • Don't give up!! The fact that you're even on this website at posting that shows that you care about your body, your health, and your life. It's okay to enjoy some of your favorite things, but just modify them a little. That pasta dinner you made sounds great- maybe next time you can leave out the cream cheese and add just…