SunnyDinCA Member


  • FYI I ate eggs for 6 months....hard to pin point research on if its the whites or the yolks. Hope you get better, mine itched worse than 500 mosquito bites! One bizarre thing that helped was cinnamon paste. just water and cinnamon.....just leave on for 5 minutes or it WILL burn you! Another thing you can try is turmeric…
  • It happened to me as well. My culprit was eggs. Are you eating eggs everyday? If so, stop and see if the rash goes away (it took mine over a month). I now limit myself to eggs no more than once a week. Hope that helps :smile:
  • Just my opinion....I looked at the label online today....and for five dollars a serving a list of proper ingredients would be nice. I don't trust a label with "proprietary" ingredients. For the kind of workouts you do (in my case T25/PiYo) as a meal replacement, I don't believe it provides your body with enough protein.…
  • Im not using the nutrition guide but it looks pretty good....there is a fb group that is huge and very helpful and so very motivating...just type FOCUS T25 and it will "pop up". Good for you on the five pounds!!!!! I pulled a 2.6 loss in the first week....not too shabby!!! Cardio again on Monday.....ya ready to push…
  • Well its STATurday......I did weights today.....NICE break! Will get my walk in later....This is so weird how "psyched" I am about finishing this....way "weird" but in a good way :)
  • First double - Friday .... this is no friggen joke! I did it! rinse and repeat for 9 more weeks...then will do gamma....good luck~
  • Day 4 was AB Intervals. Body is feeling better....guess they planned it on purpose for "double-Friday" .... still excited. Joined their facebook page....the pictures are priceless!
  • FIT Cheers to you! Today is day 3 "Total Body Circuit"....going to "push play" as soon as the Motrin kicks in. Yup 43 yo butt bones be cracka lackin!
  • WOW that is so awesome and so encouraging! I will not quit! Quitting is not an option at this time.......Its 50 days and 25 minutes plus whatever else I throw in the mix....I got this :)
  • this is my first BB product Im trying.....however I'm going to incorporate more....going to get and do PiYo Brazil Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs on alternate days....25 minutes isn't quite enough.
  • Day 2 Speed 1.0 ... more cardio but enjoyed the stretching in between immensely...helps ALOT in catching your breath. I'm pretty amazed that my body is actually doing this! Sheesh nearly a year ago it was a damn achievement to walk up the stairs without wanting to die! lol....thank you for the company ladies...lets do…
  • ok....well that wasn't so bad......PSYCHED! day1 in the bag~
  • Good morning......I gatcha Lynn. Thank you both for joining me! Day one is in the works :)
  • thanks for confirming, and your welcome :)
  • Isn't there more Leucine in the yolk tho? Seems to me the entire egg is the best of both worlds, nutrition wise, for any body. Which is why I eat the whole egg. I did try to look it up, but gave up after 5 minutes. But really curious about the Leucine % in the yolk, if anyone can find it. look at that 1st post…