ClaphamCommoner Member


  • Your English is excellent, I wouldn't worry about that. Thanks for your help. I am told eating clean is over half the battle, and the weights and cardio will help it along. I'm going to go for 3 weeks of my planned regime, and eat around 2000-2500 a day of decent foods, and see how it goes. I'll report back! :)
  • Off to the Gym for Legs/Triceps today :)
  • Lindsay, the best of luck! Logging food is a fantastic way of doing things. Just remember, if you have a bad day, don't stop logging. Have 5 good days afterwards and then you can look back in disdain at the bad day and still feel good about yourself :). I have a similar problem in that I used to do an insane amount of…
  • That's really impressive, congratulations. Just one question... I assume there were times when you really struggled to motivate yourself to go the gym, or not eat something that would set you back? Was there a self-affirming message you would say to yourself to get over the cravings or drag yourself out of bed? Ta x