HeartME511healthy Member


  • My body does the same thing, so I do have to wait before hitting the shower, I also turn the water to cool at the end, it is so amazing how relaxing that cool water is to the body. But I also must admit that I drink ice cold water too especially now that it's been hot and I've been going in the gym where it is stuffy and…
  • MY weight on Monday is 150.6, weight as of today is 146.8... I am in another group that weigh's in on Mondays. I need to determine which number to report, any advise? I will use the 146.8 for this group, since it is our weigh in day.
  • Hi, my goal today is to do a double work out Zumba at 11 am and then something else later not sure exacly however something will be done. Double workout, 75 oz of water 7 hours of sleep tonight. I am lacking in the sleep department, have to wind down earlier, be in relaxed mode and get some sleep.
  • start with your five minutes and add another 5 min everyother day or once aweek. Not sure how fast or how long you want to run for, however adding is a good thing, and at times we have to push ourselves to the uncomfortable to increase... I was only a 3 mile jogger, however I knew I needed to step my game up so I would add…
  • Grr, I know how you feel. I am five pounds from goal weight, however I hit these feelings already and I can't wrap my head around maintenance either. However it seems like it will work. I workout like crazy myself and at times I can't see why I need to take a break, until I realize I need to eat those calories. I still…
  • I will Pledge 1. Drink 75 oz of water everyday but especially on weekends (trouble area) 2. Weigh and measure all my meals and report everything 3. Exercise and burn at least 500 calories a day.
  • I have several things such as french fries, Ruffles potato Chips commplimented with homemade garlic dip.
  • You can still have progress, it may not be what you wanted it to be but I say keep on going. You can still log your food, you can still exercise, get sleep and drink lots of water. What I am saying is don't give up keep it logging and you will be fine. Set another challenge, and actually just set small goal every two…
  • I would agree with you on this one, I recently realize that I need more intake, even though there are times when I don't want to eat, I push past my base calorie intake some days at least by 50 or increase by 300. Depending on what exercise I have done for the day. I have a tendancy to jog at least 4 miles, and some days…
  • I tried to use this ticker, can someone help me through this one? how different is this one from the one MFP uses, or should I say how do you use both?
  • I have one out the box exercise day which is normally today Thursday, which I do quite a bit of everything.. at least 4 mile run, combined with Abs for 20 min, one hour each Zumba and Spin all in one day.. it is awesome and addicting. Outside of that jogging is my out the box exercise and along with a friend did my first…
  • I want in I will commit to 100 miles for the month And for Week 1 10 miles
  • I use them also, I also use Run Keeper and I have Fitbit device and I use them all to log and I log the two that match.
  • Awesome response.... take ownership of our choices and what we want our children to have. I have tons of nieces and nephews... so I completely get it.
  • I am not a parent, however I think that is a copout answer, and you don't have to eat restaurant food or fast anything even bad choice foods. I have friends who have children, so I would have tried to guide her into healthy living for her entire household opposed to copping out with that "You don't have kids" excuse. Which…
  • That is great and a wonderful accomplishement, and your face shows it, you're happy keep it up you can do this.
  • I heard that, and keep it going until you reach your goal.. But I heard that give a shoot out....
  • There are so many apps out there, I did check this out and infact signed up, I currently use RunKeeper and MapMyFitness along with FitBit device. they all work well for me and keep me going for sure.
  • Once a week, this is helpful I hate the scale so to get on it stresses me out. But I have to so I can have something to measure my progress.
  • That must of meant a million dollars, which also put a smile on my face....What a beautiful thing to say from a young person. That is wonderful. Let that carry you for days.
  • At work, because I don't want to waste a vacation day, especially since we have a day off on Monday. No used to rushing to be off with using a vacation day, save those for times that I really need to be off.
  • I have the Healthmaster, which does all of this. They have a good replacement plan. I love it and haven't used it yet for a minute had to take a break from juicing. However I plan to pick it back up with one of my snack meals daily.
  • Yes juicing is great. I did the www.jointhereboot.com for 14 days I would do it again. I really opened me up to a whole new experience. However I now will only do it for 3 days now that I am too close to goal weight. This is also time consuming and you have to be prepared for juicing and for healthy planning. It is a good…
  • Add me too.. this is an awesome place to be you will have progress
  • I talk to close friends and get my head out of myself, and at times that doesn't work so then I decide to go out and hit the pavement with a jog don't stop til I feel better and sometimes i have to run hard but lately haven't had to run too hard, just run... like today I needed out and i got out, but once out there…
  • Girl, you worked hard for this look. You look great keep up the good work and you will be surprised of the many changes that will occur during your transformation. I think you're pretty... Keep it up, you're doing a good job...
  • You'll do fine, you have plenty of time before your Marathon arrives. Just challenge yourself each time you did 6.2 miles within 80min, then the next time try to beat it and no matter what the time is just not 80 min. You can do it.. Then increase to the next mile. I really works. .Determination will get you ready for this…
  • This was so true, I would have to agree with you on what you are saying here, although I did my fist half last Saturday it was awesome. Running is my outlit, so I find that i get lost in my runs however there are times when I don't even know why I am out there. So I'll have to remember this.
  • I run at least 5 days a week, now no less then 6 miles which I just increase in the past month and half... I wanted more... I needed more and a friend of mine has enderance and I had the speed so we trained together increasing one mile a week..and did other cardio and strength training on the other days... It was affective…