

  • Finished rip't circuit this morning. I'm liking it and the results keep coming!
  • I add it under "Circuit training, general" in cardio. It's probably a bit more accurate than aerobics (which is what I used at first).
  • Still going... Seeing results, which is nice.
  • Done! But distracted. Will have to find a quieter time (1 yr old twins were awake, too). Will start earlier tomorrow.
    in Day 1 done Comment by CTully21 June 2014
  • I'm Charla. Currently, I weigh around 148 and would like to get to 130 or so. I'm also hoping to run an 8K in September and will be using T25 to assist me in that goal. T25 expected to arrive on the 16th, just in time to start!