

  • I used to do 1 cheat day a month, but it was stalling my progress and my stomach really couldn't handle the abrupt changes. I do cheat foods? on holidays/special occasions which is about once every two months or so. For example: I'll eat what I normally would for a meal but I'll have some bread with it or I'll eat some…
  • Sweet potatoes! My favorite low hassle way to prepare them: turn your oven on to the broiler, skin or wash 1 good sized sweet potato and chop it into even circles, then coat with coconut oil and broil until brown, then season with sea salt and cinnamon or pumpkin spice. I'm on day 5 of no sugar and these are totally saving…
  • Hello ladies! The first time I felt strong was about a year and a half ago when I deadlifted my body weight plus a quarter(125lbs) for the first time. I'm short and don't put on muscle easily, so it was a huge deal to hit a number like that :) Now I can do that weight for 7-8 reps at a time.
  • Homemade Americano w/half n half topper, some sautèd veggies and a "caveman bowl" which is made locally by one of the members at my gym consisting of paleo friendly Salisbury steak, sweet potato mash, and carrots and green beans. This was brunch for me, and a high calorie one, because I had ballet this morning and will be…
  • Hello! I'm new to MFP having switched to this from Calorie Counter. I use it every day and would love to make some friends!