Pamala28 Member


  • Sylvia, I am very impressed with your studio and gallery. You use some nice colors in your glazes. The pinch pot your friend made are incredible. Does he use the same technique the Indians use in New Mexico? I paint. I am grateful that even at the age of 62 I am still learning and developing my work. Have a great Sunday…
  • Good morning. I just read an interesting article. It could have been from MFP! It stated that people with a support group have more success with weight loss. It is frustrating. I need to lose 7 kilos, which is about 15 pounds to not be 'overweight' anymore. Why is that so difficult? Is it my age, my thyroid, my lack of…
  • Hi ladies. I have been AWOL. Somehow I got off track and have had some trouble getting back on. I did maintain my 6 pound loss from last spring. Lately I have been on track during the work week but then lose it in the weekend. I've been riding my bike to work most days, getting in my 10,000 steps. Weekends are different.…
  • You are simply amazing! I have made over 20,000 a few times.
  • Happy Thursday! Lesley, where did you immigrate from? Oma and Opa are also the Dutch words for grammy and grandpa. Heather, we are headed to your side of the pond tomorrow. I'm really excited. A friend gave me two pairs of capris last year. They were too small. One of them fits now! It makes it all worth it. We are all in…
  • Happy Tuesday! Carol, your son sounds amazing. We are a family of introverts so I always admire people that are comfortable speaking in front of a group. I did it while teaching, but that feels different somehow. What is he majoring in? Rori, I love the idea of a Colorado contingent! Can I be a honorary member? Kim, thank…
  • Hello. It has been a while for me. The end of school year always means special meals, BBQs, get togethers etc. I fell off the wagon, hard. Thanks to my fitbit and being very good on the 'normal' days, I only gained one pound back. Still, I thought I would be a bit lighter by now. We are going on vacation Friday. I will…
  • I live in The Netherlands. I log most of my food in English, but the Dutch name brands are all in the database! Is there a Turkish Myfitnesspal? If so they use the same alphabet we do, so you might find somethings in the database. Enjoy your trip!
  • I also have Hashimoto's. Before being diagnosed I had other symptoms besides my weight. The most noticeable to me were the brain fog and extreme tiredness. I am also losing around one pound a week. If in doubt, go to the doctor. Not all thyroid problems are Hashimoto's!
    in thyroid? Comment by Pamala28 June 2014
  • Heather, you mentioned diet cola. I've always been a water drinker. Since I joined MFP I have been craving diet cola. I allow myself no more than one glass a day as I avoid caffeine. My fitbit arrived and I must say WOW! It gives me a lot more extra calories to eat than I was giving myself. I'm not going to eat them all. I…
  • Kim, beautifully stated. I agree that the group is very accepting. I love it! Great news on the pull ups! Cindy, I missed the drawing. I would love to see it, as I draw as well. Margaret, I had cataract surgery last year. The difference in my sight is amazing! Heather, you look fabulous in your photos! jannieyannie, your…
  • Hello ladies. It sure is hard to keep up around here! My news is that the scale has finally moved, and i have lost 2.4 kilos! That translates to 5.28 pounds, It sounds like more in pounds, doesn't it? Thursday I ate over my points but logged every calorie. Our weekends are usually so busy. Today is a stay at home day. I…
  • Tere, thank you for making me smile! Margaret, I have read something somewhere about gluten and thyroid problems. It is something I should investigate further. I have Hashimoto's and am trying to find out how best to live with it. I saw the film Fat, Sick and Nearly dead: It was…
  • Hello ladies! This weight loss thing is sure moving along slowly! I do have thyroid problems. Could that be the reason? We were gone last weekend. Away from home you eat differently. I didn't go overboard, but did miss my veggies. I also drank less water as there wasn't always a toilet available. We went to an antique…
  • Sylvia, I have been using MFP for around 3 weeks. I have lost 3.3 pounds. How long have you been using it? I told a colleague about it and she is using it. There is a Dutch version. It is amazing because dutch food is in the data base as well. Jill, I am so glad you liked Amsterdam. We did live there when I first moved…
  • Hello all! My goodness, it is going to take me forever to get to know you all. I can tell you are a great bunch. I love MFP. My greatest struggles have been counting calories when I am out to eat, or for special occasions. We had a BQQ yesterday and I just ate very little. My doctor told me to lose weight, and that has…
  • Hello ladies! This does sound like a very supportive group. Can I join? I don't talk much! My name is Pam and I am 61 years old. I am overweight. I need to lose between 15 and 20 pounds to be considered at a normal weight. The question is, why is that so hard? This is a wonderful site. I am an American living in The…