

  • I love the idea that I'm "fun sized" that is AWESOME!!!!! Never heard someone say that before, but it fits. March was a bad month for me, I ate a lot of very unhealthy food...and drinks...and a lot of chocolate (a LOT of chocolate) but March is over. I don't have a weight goal but I have a fitness goal for April: I want to…
  • I have cramps, I'm bloated and I can feel your pain. We all have these moments but as experience has taught us the cookies don't help. Hang in there and save the cookies for a time when you can think and take your time. I hope that you found your keys and that your day got better. On the bright is Friday.
  • I think people can be rude in general and it extendes to judgement for being heavy or thin. I went out to eat with some co-works and was sitting at the end of the booth, the waitress took everyone's order and then just started to walk away!!! I was like "hey! I haven't ordered yet" and she said "I just assumed you didn't…
  • Hi Anne, I just joined today myself.