

  • I've heard of it, but I've been too scared to try it because I heard it messes with your good bacteria, and I have tummy issues, so I'm not sure if I want to tempt fate. I think my boyfriend wants to try it, so if he does, Ill come back and ill you in!
  • Hey everyone! I wanted to add to my previous post: Today's Easter, so I got Taco Bell to celebrate the end of Lent. Honestly, after not having it for so long, it tasted HORRIBLE! And I feel horrible after eating it. If you can make it through your 30 day challenge, you'll feel so much better, and you won't even want it…
  • Hey guys! I want to share some positive encouragement and motivation!!! :D I gave up fast food for Lent, and did not allow myself to cheat, even on Sundays. I had this goal for a few reasons. I need to stop being *mindless* about what I eat. I would be sitting at home at 9pm, get a little hungry, and have a fast food run…
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