

  • Thanks, everyone, for your helpful suggestions. I will try a bit of everyone's and see what does best for me. Bwogilvie - I am also well within my rights to say I really, really hate vegetables. I didn't feel it was important enough to be overly concerned with semantics. I fully admit it is my prejudices that are keeping…
  • Do you make the salsa at home or buy a certain kind? I'm honestly not sure. I would be happy either way, I just want to get to a point where I'm eating as healthy as possible and I know I can't do that with no vegetables.
  • That makes sense - thanks for the response! I would try to do something similar, but I've trained myself to hate them so much that an attempt to eat them results in a gag reflex. Pathetic, I know.
  • You look great!! Jealous you got to meet James Marsters - I am a HUGE Buffy fanatic and Spike was one of my favorite characters.
  • Feel free to add me - that goes for anyone else on here, too. Looking to lose a little under 170 and can use all the support I can get! I will, of course, be happy to provide support to anyone who needs it. :)