

  • Hello! I'm an AF Wife. Currently stationed at Travis AFB in Northern California, but soon to be RAF Croughton in England! My husband is leaving on Monday. :cry: I can't wait to join him though! Looking forward to the new adventure and experiencing so many new things. Plus, in a few months I'll be in tip top shape when my…
  • Me too! I'm always hungry! But I honestly think it's because I've been way more active and my metabolism is speeding up. That's my guess anyway. :smile:
  • Feel free to add me! I'm a shorty myself 5'1" and want to lose between 20-30lbs. We can motivate each other. :)
  • Welcome! I'm relatively new myself. I've actually made inputting exercises and calories like a game. Oddly enough it has become fun. Whenever I complete a day it's an accomplishment for me. :) Feel free to add me if you need extra support.