JustWatchMee Member


  • Right now my mom is my motivator, she is trying to lose weight with me, and she is very encouraging and because we have a system, i have been able to stick to my calorie and macronutrient goals and work out routine . . . Holding me back sometimes is myself because i dont think it is fair that i cant eat whatever i want and…
  • I am getting ready to do my 30 seconds in a couple of minutes :)
  • I did my day 1 at the gym today, 20 sec feels like forever when you haven't done those in a while
  • I'll join in ...its been a while since I have done planks :D
  • 251.4....1.5 lbs more than Jan. 7 lbs less than March and down to eating out with the family 1 time a week on the weekends. Good luck everyone, and remember it's just a number and has nothing to do with you as the beautiful wonderful person you are.
  • My favorite food is cupcakes, not cake, cupcakes. For me the 2 are not interchangeable. I love them because they are a little package of yumminess. I love everything about them the moist cake and the yummy frosting, definitely my kryptonite. I could probably eat a whole container of cupcakes by myself (with the help of my…
  • I've been there. Enjoy yourself on vacation and it's ok to eat what everyone is eating but in moderation. Instead of eating fried and breaded food try roasted, baked or grilled and when possible try to get vegetables as your side or a salad. I know it's way easier said than done but we have all been there. You shouldn't be…
  • Awesome!! It's nice to have someone who knows what it is like to help motivate you
  • I identify with the realization of just how big one let themselves get. Until recently I only had 2 pairs of jeans that I would wear and then both of them ripped in unfixable (atleast for my skill level of sewing) and I had to go get new ones, I learned I too was in a size 20 I almost broke down and cried in the dressing…
  • My top 3 reasons are 1) To feel good about myself again and be the REAL me. Since gaining so much weight it has made me anti-social, I avoid talking to people at all cost because I am afraid all they can see is how fat I am, this anti-social behavior has made moving to a new city even harder because I have no friends to…
  • I'll be your co-leader if that's ok
  • I'm in .... I could really stand to lose 100 lbs currently at 253, I think, I don't even want to know what the scale says after my spring break visiting family My reasons are: 1. Like what I see when I look in the mirror 2. Be a good role model for my 2 year old daughter 3. Get in shape and be healthier to prepare for my…
  • I never really had any guidance when it came to food. My parents divorced when I was really little so i went back and forth between them and my grandmother. While I was with my mom, I can never remember her eating a normal meal. She worked all the time and by the time she came home me and my brother were in bed so we kind…