

  • I would like to join you ladies however I started a few days after you all (Sept 7th) but I jumped right to level two as my fitness is quite high at the moment and I find level one doesn't challenge me enough. I got to about day 20 the last time I did the 30ds but went away for a few days and never got back into the…
  • I too am a creature of habit and tend to hop on the scale every morning however, I only officially weigh in once a week and log that weight. I take measurements about once a month as well. It is 100% to each their own. Some find they go scale crazy if they weigh every day but it all depends on the person. For me it is just…
  • I have been gluten free for the last 2.5 weeks as I was presenting nearly all the symptoms for a wheat intolerance and my weight had not budged in about 3 months despite working out like a crazy lady and being on weight watchers. As soon as I cut it out I have dropped 7 pounds and feel so much better. The biggest symptom…