

  • I posted a similar question under food and nutrition earlier today.. adult beverages or alcoholic libations or something like that hahah I got a few drink ideas if you want to check it out... running theme seemed clear liquors with club soda or water, diet or light sodas or juices. I would suggest just work hard at the gym…
  • Wow that was fast! I love this site more daily... Thanks for all of suggestions bringing new light to the term responsible drinking :)
  • yes burnt calories will go against your goal caloric intake for the day. IE: my BMR is 2100 and my goal caloric intake in hopes of losing X lbs is 1950. If i do 45 mins of circuit training which burns 600 calories I now can consume 2550 for the day... that's a couple beers :)
  • It's unfortunately not that simple of a question. It would depend on what kind of shape you are starting off in, what your goals are, what type of exercising you prefer. 45 mins of circuit training : combination or cardio and strength training can burn upwards of 600 calories for a guy maybe 450-500 for a woman. I would…
  • It's especially hard being on your own, I am actually in a similar situation with my family... although I don't live with them. If you find healthier alternatives and make more realistic life style changes you will be able to stay strong through this. I think you should invite them all to be on this site... I asked all of…