

  • I'll be 47 in 10 are 14, 11 and 6 years old. My 14 year old (girl) thinks I am a TOTAL dork....11 year old (boy) thinks I am beautiful....and 6 year old (girl) is not embarrassed to be seen in public with me....yet! Someday, they will realize how cool I am. Been using MFP since 2011 on & off. When I am…
  • I'm just starting again too...I stopped logging in everyday and eventually all together when the weight started coming off. I got within a few pounds of my goal weight and was feeling pretty good about myself and people were noticing. But then I got cocky and started thinking to myself....I'm thin now, I can eat another…
  • I was lucky....the weight did fall right off for me while breastfeeding. The problem was when I stopped nursing and was so accustomed to consuming alot more calories. I too am 5'5" and weighed about 150 lbs. when I started MFP in April 2011 with a friend. Now my friend has lost about 7 lbs. without exercising....and I have…
    in On day four Comment by suedib4 May 2011