BlazeCarolina Member


  • Thank you. I am pretty new here, but I have met some nice people so far. I don't think it will be hard for you to make some friends and stay on track. The app is incredibly helpful, especially for someone like me who has never paid attention to what they eat. I feel a lot of my success is due to that alone. And the gym of…
  • I will do anything I can to help you, but you should stay motivated for you. You should do what you do for you, not someone else. Who cares what someone else thinks? If you are 600 lbs and happy, who cares? Happiness is the goal in my opinion.
  • It was pretty dead when I posted my first too and then all of a sudden I couldn't keep up with responses. I don't know the pretty lady struggle, or the pretty anything struggle for that matter, but I will certainly help in any way I can.
  • That sure does sound depressing. I am not sure what to say here. I like your avatar? That is something positive. Is there anything I can do to help you?
  • Welcome Ms. Guraya! This seems to be a great community. Have met some very nice people and I am new myself. The app certainly helps with weight loss as well. It is never too late to get started.
  • They are less than $10 on Ebay for anyone else wanting a pair who can't find them. If you get them from Hong Kong it is going to take a while to get to you. Probably about a month. I am going to hold off for now and just see how I progress. I should be able to shed this.
  • This may be a stupid question...but I get to do that, I am a newb. What is so special about the calipers? I mean, why can't I just go to the hardware store and get a set? Edit: They are cheaper on Ebay than the store. Wow. Yay Hong Kong?
  • I am close. I am 5'6" and I was 185.6 at the time I did it.
  • Thank you for this. I will look into it. Trying to do my best to keep up with the thread. Don't want to seem rude to anyone.
  • Getting hard to keep up with the responses. I think my main issue was not working at all and eating terribly. I have started to cut down my portion sizes which has helped immensely. Not much education about eating healthy in the States, so I think that is where my biggest problem lies.
  • Glad to see the responses here about BMI. I felt it couldn't be accurate. I bet if I put my buddies stats in it would say something crazy about him as well. He has set multiple state records for lifting, so I don't think he has to worry. Dude squats 670 lbs and benches 400+.
  • I think I can get some calipers online. If I keep at it for a few months and the belly fat stays, I will pick some calipers up.
  • Ha, I wish that were the case. I am indeed overweight, but I don't feel obese. Actually with my recent progress I am no longer obese. I dropped 8 pounds in about two weeks.
  • Admittedly I am in terrible shape, but I am working on it. Thank you though. People seem very nice here. I will certainly add you.
  • I am not too worried about it. I am just going to keep going to the gym and trying to make progress. I don't understand the haters, but they also don't bother me. I laugh it off. If anything it helps. I just don't want to be in denial about the situation. If I am obese, I want to know.
  • My little ticker won't show up on my posts. Must be doing something wrong. I went to settings and checked the little box. Edit: Figured it out. I had to customize it first. Odd.
  • Well, that makes me feel better. I weighed in this morning at 177.8 so I have lost about 8 pounds so far. I haven't been at it long, so I am optimistic. I do think my trainer tried to kill me today. She is tired of seeing me I think, haha. We shall see how worthless I am tomorrow. I will add you once I figure out how. I am…